Kristen Regan, PT, DPT, ATC

Kristen is passionate about listening and connecting with each of her patients to provide the best care possible.  Utilizing evidence-based treatments and drawing on her experience as an athletic trainer, Kristen creates a plan that is specific to each patient with a goal to return each patient to their prior level of function.  Kristen’s active lifestyle and background in sports allow her to understand the importance of movement during each day.  In her free time she enjoys hiking, golfing, attending sporting events and spending time with family and friends.


  • Carroll University
    Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • Carroll University
    Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training


  • Elbow
  • Foot/Ankle
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Pelvic Floor
  • Pelvis/SI Joint
  • Shoulder
  • Spine (Neck and Back)
  • Sports Rehab
  • Wrist/Hand

Practice Locations

  • Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin – Mequon Physical Therapy

    11025 N. Port Washington Rd.
    Mequon, WI 53092
    Phone 262-292-0430
    Fax 262-347-3023
Request an Appointment