Hip Care


Your hip is a versatile ball-and-socket joint. The ball is formed by the upper end of your femur (thigh bone) and fits into the socket, which is formed by the acetabulum (concave surface of your pelvis). The cartilage that coats the ball and lines the socket provides a smooth gliding surface so that your hip joint can move fluidly. Injury can damage or wear down this cartilage, and it isn’t able to repair itself. The results are often stiffness, hip and groin pain, and/or weakness. We can help.




The specialists at the Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin provide the latest in surgical and rehabilitation interventions to help eliminate your hip pain and get you moving again.

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Hip Conditions & Treatments

The Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin treats a wide range of hip conditions, from diagnosis to treatment through rehabilitation. The list below represents some of our more frequent diagnoses and procedures.

Conditions we treat:

Procedures we perform:

After Your Hip Surgery: Home Care

Before you go home, your care team will make sure you are comfortable, well-informed, and ready. Your detailed care instructions will include the recommendations shown below.

After surgery, you will:

  • Get ample rest for several days following surgery
  • Follow your physical therapist’s instructions for use of walker or crutches
  • Use cold therapy (depending on your surgeon’s preference)
  • Continue to gain strength through physical therapy (depending on your surgeon’s preference)

Questions? You can always contact your surgeon’s office.

General pre-surgery information can be found here.

Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin
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